Unleashed Luxury Travel Concierge: Terms & Conditions

1. Introduction. Access to and use of the services of Unleashed Luxury Travel Concierge, Ltd. (“Unleashed” or “we/us/our”) is subject to the acceptance by you (including those travelling with you, “client” or “you”) of these terms and conditions applicable to our provision of services, and your agreement to be bound by these terms and conditions. PLEASE READ THE TERMS BEFORE USING OUR SERVICES. You agree that your use of our services constitutes your agreement to these terms and conditions. IF THERE IS ANY PART OF THESE TERMS AND CONDITIONS YOU DO NOT AGREE WITH, PLEASE DO NOT USE OUR SERVICES. No alterations to these terms and conditions may be made by any of our employees, representatives or agents, unless in writing, signed by an officer of Unleashed and explicitly referring to these terms and conditions and the manner in which they are altered. 

2. No Responsibility for Suppliers. You understand that we do not own or operate any airline or other air transportation provider, hotels and rental properties, car-rental companies, tour operators, ground transportation companies, cruise lines, and other service providers (“Suppliers”). Unleashed acts as a sales agent for Suppliers. We are not responsible for any acts or omissions of the Suppliers, including their failure to adhere to their own schedules, provide services or refunds, financial default, or failure to honor commitments including providing services or future credits. We have no special knowledge regarding the financial condition of the Suppliers. 

3. Authorization and Client Responsibility. Unleashed acts solely as an agent for performing travel services and making travel arrangements on your behalf. In that capacity you authorize us to do so and to use such payment information as you provide to make payment in full for all such services and arrangements, including any cancellation, change or other fees that are incurred with such services and arrangements. You agree to be financially responsible for all of your travel bookings and warrant that all information supplied by you to us or Suppliers is true and accurate. You agree to indemnify Unleashed from and against any claims and liability arising in connection with services performed and arrangements made by Unleashed on your behalf. 

4. Fees. Except as otherwise agreed to in writing signed by an officer of Unleashed, you agree to pay the travel planning, ticketing, air desk change/cancellation, and other fees in accordance with our then-current “Fee Schedule”, available at https://unleashedltc.com/home/fee-schedule. We update our Fee Schedule from time to time so please check frequently including prior to our performance of services for you. Our fees are non-refundable. Clients must provide a valid credit card authorization form at the time of engagement, and to keep a current card on file at all times we provide services to you. Unless otherwise agreed, we will charge your card for those fees (and any other amounts owed to Unleashed) as they are incurred. While you will typically pay Suppliers directly for their goods and services, there may be exceptions where Unleashed pays a supplier on your behalf, or where Unleashed is required to pay a Supplier for pursuant to a “debit memo,” no-show fees, reimbursement of dishonored charges, cancellation fees or other charges. In such a case, you agree to either advance all necessary amounts to Unleashed for such payment, or to immediately reimburse Unleashed for such payment, upon notice by Unleashed to you. Any disputes of such charges shall be handled between you and the Supplier and you shall hold Unleashed harmless with respect to any costs incurred by it. 

5. Risks of Travel and Release. We assume no responsibility for and shall not be liable for the acts or omissions of any party not under our control, or any acts of God, unsafe conditions, terrorism, health hazards including pandemics, illnesses, weather hazards, or the suitability for a disabled person of any portion of any trip. We have no special knowledge of dangers during travel or at destinations. For information related to such dangers, we recommend going to the U.S. State Department travel website currently at www.travel.state.gov, click on "Find International travel Information” then click on "Country Information", and fill in the name of the destination country. For medical and health information, we recommend going to the Centers for Disease Control website currently at www.cdc.gov/travel, then click on “Destinations” and scroll to the name of the destination country. It is your personal decision to travel, and you are doing so with full knowledge of current travel recommendations and travel restrictions with regard to the risks of travel. YOU HEREBY EXPRESSLY ASSUME ALL OF THESE RISKS AND DANGERS, AND YOU HEREBY EXPRESSLY AGREE TO FOREVER RELEASE, DISCHARGE AND HOLD US, AND OUR AGENTS, EMPLOYEES, OFFICERS, DIRECTORS, ASSOCIATES, AFFILIATED COMPANIES, GUIDES,  GROUP  LEADERS, AND SUBCONTRACTORS HARMLESS AGAINST ANY AND ALL LIABILITY, ACTIONS,  CAUSES  OF  ACTIONS, SUITS, CLAIMS, AND DEMANDS OF ANY AND EVERY KIND AND NATURE WHATSOEVER WHICH YOU NOW HAVE OR WHICH MAY HEREAFTER ARISE OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THESE RISKS AND DANGERS. BY ASSISTING YOU IN ARRANGING TRAVEL TO A DESTINATION, WE MAKE NO RESPRESENTATIONS REGARDING WHETHER TRAVEL TO SUCH POINTS IS ADVISABLE. The Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP) is a free service provided by the U.S. Government to U.S. citizens who are traveling to, or living in, a foreign country. STEP allows you to enter information about your upcoming trip abroad so that the Department of State can better assist you in an emergency. Registration is recommended and provided by going to https://step.state.gov/step/

6. Vaccination Requirements and Other Rules: We have no responsibility for vaccination or other travel requirements, that travel suppliers and governments may impose from time to time, such as required vaccinations, health affidavit forms, screenings prior to departure or upon arrival, face coverings, or quarantines. For the latest travel supplier rules, check the website of each supplier. For both governments and suppliers, keep checking because these rules are constantly changing, and we are not responsible for those changes. 

7. Foreign Entry Rules. You assume full and complete responsibility for checking and verifying any and all passport, visa, or other entry requirements of your destination and your connecting points, and all conditions regarding health, safety, security, political stability, and labor or civil unrest at such destination. Many countries require your passport to be valid for six months or more after your date of entry. Some countries will not admit persons convicted of a crime. Some countries require both parents’ consent for minors to travel. A helpful website for learning about governmental and airline requirements is currently at apply.joinsherpa.com/travel-restrictions, but it remains your responsibility to determine the requirements applicable to you and your travel plans. 

8. Travel Documents. It is your responsibility to obtain and carry a valid passport, visa(s), and all other documents required by applicable government regulations. When traveling domestically or internationally, the U.S. Transportation Security Administration (TSA) and U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) advise that everyone carry at least two forms of acceptable identification in order to board a flight. Acceptable identification can be found on the TSA’s website (currently at http://www.tsa.gov/traveler-information/acceptable-ids). The name, date of birth and gender that appears on the identification card must exactly match the same data that is listed on travel documents such as airline ticket(s) and booking records. Many countries will not admit a passenger if their passport expires within six months of the date of entry. Non-United States citizens may require additional documentation. Children and infants also require appropriate travel documents, and minors traveling with one parent, and/or without both parents, may be stopped and not admitted, unless authenticated and verified consent forms are provided to the authorities. You acknowledge any failure to strictly comply with these requirements may result in denied boarding or an undue delay at an airport security checkpoint causing you to miss flight(s), and subsequent scheduled travel bookings on cruises and tours. Check each supplier’s website to ensure you and all members in your travel group or party obtain and carry travel documentation required. When you receive travel documents and confirmation, check them! It is your sole responsibility of the customer to review and verify all information. Contact us immediately if changes or corrections are required. 

9. Supplier Terms and Conditions. Separate Supplier terms and conditions will apply to your reservation and purchase of travel-related services that you select. You agree to the terms and conditions of Suppliers involved in such services made through us. Most make those terms available on their website and you should review them prior to deciding to book travel with them. We can also obtain and provide those terms to you on request. You understand that violations of Supplier’s conditions of purchase may result in cancellation of your reservations or purchase, in your being denied access to flights, hotels, cruises, or automobiles, in your forfeiting any monies paid for such reservations or purchases, and in reimbursement of Unleashed for any costs we incur as a result of such violation. 

10. Price Changes Etc.. Travel arrangements may subject to Suppliers’ supplemental price increases that may be imposed by the supplier and/or government, even after you have completed your purchase. You hereby consent to any such price increases and authorize your payment method to be used for them. If a Supplier drops the price of a trip after booking, we will try to assist you with rebooking if the Supplier allows it, and a fee may apply. We do not guarantee any refunds or successful rebooking. Suppliers have their own contracts covering cancellation penalties and other terms and conditions, and you may be bound by their terms and conditions regardless of whether you receive notice of their content. 

11. Currency Fluctuations. Currency exchange rates fluctuate. For efficiency we frequently quote prices in U.S. Dollars or Euros for services that are actually priced in local currency. Prices will change based upon currency exchange rate fluctuations and the amount you actually pay will depend on the currency and exchange rate in effect at the time of payment. 

12. Arrangements Subject to Availability, Error Correction. All travel arrangements are subject to availability. Availability can change rapidly and unless otherwise stated explicitly, travel arrangements are not held or reserved until payment is made. If we or a Supplier make an error in pricing or other components of a service, we reserve the right to correct it and we will not be held to any such errors. 

13. Credit Card Merchant. We also strongly recommend that you use a credit card for your purchase, so that you can exercise your rights under the Fair Credit Billing Act if you do not receive the services you purchased.  However, if we are the credit card merchant, our role is to facilitate the sale, collect funds on your behalf, and remit those funds to the Suppliers. If the Suppliers do not provide the services, your only recourse would be against the Suppliers, and you agree not to initiate a chargeback against us. 

14. Insurance. For your protection, we strongly recommend that you purchase trip cancellation and travel accident insurance. Please note that, unless you buy a cancel-for-any-reason policy, most policies have a specific clause stating they do not cover epidemics and pandemics, especially when travel warnings are in place. When we make available insurance for you to purchase, you must understand that we are not insurance agents nor do we have any particular expertise in understanding insurance policies and practices. Your coverage will depend on the language of the insurance policy (so read it carefully!) and applicable laws and regulations. Unleashed personnel are not qualified or authorized to answer technical questions about benefits, exclusions, and conditions of any of the insurance offered, nor evaluate the adequacy of the prospective insured’s existing insurance coverage. We are happy to put you in touch with insurance company representatives with respect to such questions. No representation or description of the insurance made by our staff constitutes a binding assurance or promise about the insurance. You agree to hold us harmless for your election not to purchase travel insurance or for any denial of claim by travel insurer.  

15. Claims Deadline and Exclusive Jurisdiction: You agree to present any claims against us within 30 days after your trip ends and to file suit within one year of the incident, and you acknowledge that this expressly limits the applicable statute of limitations to one year. Our liability for any claim against us is limited to the amount of commissions and fees we have received in respect of the services giving rise to such claim. You agree that the courts in Cook County, Illinois will be the exclusive jurisdiction for all claims brought by you or us, and you hereby submit to the personal jurisdiction of those courts.  

16. Changes to Terms. We reserve the right, in our sole discretion, to change these terms and conditions at any time by posting updated versions of the terms to our website at https://unleashedltc.com/home/terms-conditions/, which will become effective immediately upon such posting. Please check frequently, especially before you ask us to perform services for you, to see if these terms and conditions have changed. Use of services after any changes to the terms constitutes your consent to the changes. 

17. Claims Deadline, Limitation of Liability, and Exclusive Jurisdiction: You agree to present any claims against us within 30 days after your trip ends and to file suit within one year of the incident, and you acknowledge that this expressly limits the applicable statute of limitations to one year. Our liability for any claim against us is limited to the amount of commissions and fees we have received in respect of the specific services giving rise to such claim. You agree that the courts in Cook County, Illinois will be the exclusive jurisdiction for all claims brought by you or us, and you hereby submit to the personal jurisdiction of those courts.  

18. Entire Agreement. Except as may be set forth in a separate written agreement signed by an officer of Unleashed and you that specifically references this provision of these terms and conditions and states that the separate written agreement replaces, supplements or modifies them, these terms and conditions constitute the entire agreement between Unleashed and you with respect to the provision of services by Unleashed to you, and supersedes all prior or contemporaneous communications, whether electronic, oral or written.  

19. General. These terms and conditions are governed by the substantive and procedural laws of the State of Illinois. If any part of these terms and conditions is determined to be invalid or unenforceable, then the invalid or unenforceable provision will be deemed superseded by a valid, enforceable provision that most closely matches the intent of the original provision and these terms and conditions shall remain in effect.  A printed version of these terms and conditions and any notice given in electronic form shall be admissible in judicial or administrative proceedings relating to these terms and conditions to the same extent and subject to the same conditions as other business documents and records originally generated and maintained in printed form. If we are required to take actions to enforce these terms and conditions, you shall reimburse us for all costs and expenses incurred in such enforcement, including without limitation, reasonable attorney’s fees.